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    About Us

    From window cleaning to home maintenance, we have been committed to excellence for over 25 years.

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to increase joy for our customers, our staff, and our community:

    为我们的客户, we aim to increase joy by the consistent quality of our work, 我们员工友好的专业精神, 我们价格的公平性, and by doing our best to see our work through their eyes.

    我们的目标是通过提供安全的服务来增加员工的快乐, 愉快的工作环境, 晋升机会, and meaningful work at wages that reflect their outstanding performance.

    在我们的社区里, we aim to be an exemplar of good and ethical business practices, 负责任的自由市场经济的倡导者, 也是创造的好管家.


    Our Story

    Shoreline-based 常绿窗户清洁 & 百老汇app 家族企业是否致力于追求卓越. 我们为顾客提供的服务是 清洁窗户, gutters, roofs, 家外饰, and hardscape. Kreg Koelling于1996年创立Evergreen. The company changed hands in 2010 when Kreg sold to the Sherman family.

    Evergreen continued to grow with the same think-like-the-customer approach that Kreg had first instilled in the company. Initially,  Julianne began in the office while a trusted family friend worked in the field with Keith and the guys. Over time, the needs of a growing family and Julianne’s passion for homeschooling led her to hang up the office work and turn her focus on the kids. Julianne’s mother, Judi, came aboard at that time to take over the office duties.

    2012年底, Evergreen changed again owing in part to a serious personal trial for the Sherman family. 他们四个女儿中的第二个, Evelyn, went into renal failure and had to receive a kidney transplant. While Evelyn improved fairly quickly after Keith’s kidney donation, it was clear that systemic changes would need to be made if Evergreen was to continue to grow and thrive. 

    谢尔曼夫妇退后一步,专注于他们的家庭, they enlisted the help of an experienced Operations Manager and Office Manager to begin managing the company full time, 雇佣与公司有共同使命的人(如上). By remaining committed to excellence and cultivating the habit of seeing our work through our customers’ eyes, Evergreen has become one of the best companies in Seattle’s home services industries. 你可以看看我们的客户是怎么说的 Google+, Yelp, Angie’s List、家庭顾问; BBB和图钉.



    常青窗户清洁, 我们努力通过高质量的工作提高客户的满意度, 友好的专业, fair prices, and empathy. We offer all our staff a safe, fulfilling work environment, growth opportunities, and fair wages.Contact us today to find out how we can help you better maintain your home for years to come!

